As some of you may have noticed, TomDispatch disappeared for a full day, something that hadn’t happened in its brief 5 and half year history. Unfortunately, This was due to a power meltdown connected with our web server. The site has once again entered the realm of cyber-existence, but I’ve decided to put off the next TD piece–a new post by Chalmers Johnson–until Sunday night. That will give those of you who didn’t have a chance to read Elizabeth de la Vega’s striking post on the American water crisis a chance to do so. Expect TD to be back with an action-packed line-up next week. In the meantime, why not go out and pick up a copy of the site’s new book, The World According to TomDispatch: America in the New Age of Empire. It’s worth the price and its reasonable surge protection against future power outages. Tom
As some of you may have noticed, TomDispatch disappeared for a full day, something that hadn’t happened in its brief 5 and a half year history. Unfortunately, this was due to a power meltdown connected with our web server. The site has once again entered the realm of cyber-existence, but I’ve decided to put off the next TD piece–a new post by Chalmers Johnson–until Sunday night. That will give those of you who didn’t have a chance to read Elizabeth de la Vega’s striking post on the American water crisis a chance to do so. Expect TD to be back with an action-packed line-up next week. In the meantime, why not go out and pick up a copy of the site’s new book, The World According to TomDispatch: America in the New Age of Empire. It’s worth the price and its reasonable surge protection against future power outages. Tom