Tom Engelhardt
Tom Engelhardt created and runs the website He is also a co-founder of the American Empire Project and the author of a highly praised history of American triumphalism in the Cold War, The End of Victory Culture. A fellow of the Type Media Center, his sixth book is A Nation Unmade by War.
Welcome to the American Century
Even If It Is a Hell on Earth
Droning On
Assassins-in-Chief and Their Brood
The Decline and Fall of the Roman… Whoops!… American Empire
What Really Matters in the U.S. of A.
My Extreme World
And (Un)Welcome to It
The Forbidden Word
Is This Country Heading for the Exit?
An All-American Horror Story
Three-Quarters of a Century of Nuclear Follies — And That’s Just Where to Begin
A World at the Edge
What Planet Will Our Children and Grandchildren Inherit?
American-Style War ’til the End of Time?
A Lifetime “at War”
Slaughter Central
The United States as a Mass-Killing Machine
The Sports Pages of Death
Life in a Wounded and Wounding Land
The American Century Ends Early
How the USS Enterprise Was Transformed into the USS Roach
Been There, Done That (Not!)
The Imperial Presidency Comes Home to Roost
Saying Goodbye to the Con-Man-in-Chief
Demining America After The Donald
A Nation Unmade by War
A Nation Unmade by War surveys American exceptionalism in the age of absurdity. As Tom Engelhardt argues, despite having a more massive, technologically advanced, and better-funded military than any other power on the planet, in the last decade and a half of constant war across the Greater Middle East and parts of Africa, the United… Read more
Shadow Government: Surveillance, Secret Wars, and a Global Security State in a Single Superpower World
In 1964, a book entitled The Invisible Government shocked Americans with its revelations of a growing world of intelligence agencies playing fast and loose around the planet, a secret government lodged inside the one they knew that even the president didn’t fully control. Almost half a century later, everything about that “invisible government” has grown… Read more
Terminator Planet
Available as an e-book or paperback. The first history of drone warfare, written as it happened. From the opening missile salvo in the skies over Afghanistan in 2001 to a secret strike in the Philippines early this year, or a future in which drones dogfight off the coast of Africa, Terminator Planet takes you to the… Read more
The United States of Fear
In 2008, when the US National Intelligence Council issued its latest report meant for the administration of newly elected President Barack Obama, it predicted that the planet’s “sole superpower” would suffer a modest decline and a soft landing fifteen years hence. In his new book The United States of Fear, Tom Engelhardt makes clear that… Read more