Nick Turse
Nick Turse is the managing editor of TomDispatch and a fellow at the Type Media Center. He is the author most recently of Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead: War and Survival in South Sudan and of the bestselling Kill Anything That Moves.
Suicide Squad
U.S. Troops Are Losing a War with Their Deadliest Enemy
Constant Killing
Despite Blood on Its Hands, The Pentagon Once Again Fails to Make Amends
Epic Fail
The New Junta in Niger Tells the United States to Pack Up Its War and Go Home
Remote Warfare and Expendable People
Forever War Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry
The Pentagon Proclaims Failure in its War on Terror in Africa
America’s Forever Wars Yield a 75,000% Increase in Terror Attacks
The U.S. Military is Winning. No, Really, It Is!
A Simple Equation Proves That the U.S. Armed Forces Have Triumphed in the War on Terror
Getting to Yes
What U.S. Africa Command Doesn’t Want You to Know
The Civilian Deaths You Haven’t Heard About
Casualties of America’s Never-Ending Global War on Terror
War Torn
Continental Drifters and the Nationless Nation
The War on Terror Is a Success — for Terror
Terrorist Groups Have Doubled Since the Passage of the 2001 AUMF
Was the Afghan War a Schell Game?
Getting It Right Is Always the Wrong Approach When It Comes to America’s Wars
The Names You’ll Never Know
A Blue Kia and a Wall of Carnage on the Washington Mall
A Wide World of War Porn
How I Accidentally Amassed an Encyclopedia of Atrocities
Leaker, Speaker, Soldier, Spy
The Charmed Life of David Petraeus
Will They Ever Be Over?
The 20th Anniversary of the War on Terror Arrives

Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead: War and Survival in South Sudan
A dramatic, true story of men and women trapped in the grip of war, Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead is modern crisis reporting at its best. For six weeks in the Spring of 2015, award-winning journalist Nick Turse traveled on foot as well as by car, SUV, and helicopter around war-torn South Sudan talking… Read more

Tomorrow’s Battlefield: U.S. Proxy Wars and Secret Ops in Africa
You won’t see segments about it on the nightly news or read about it on the front page of America’s newspapers, but the Pentagon is fighting a new shadow war in Africa, helping to destabilize whole countries and preparing the ground for future blowback. Behind closed doors, U.S. officers now claim that “Africa is the… Read more

Terminator Planet
Available as an e-book or paperback. The first history of drone warfare, written as it happened. From the opening missile salvo in the skies over Afghanistan in 2001 to a secret strike in the Philippines early this year, or a future in which drones dogfight off the coast of Africa, Terminator Planet takes you to the… Read more